How A Simple Atomic Habit Is Helping Me!

Richmond Chris-Koka
2 min readJan 20, 2021

“Happiness comes by what you measure. Celebrations & Emotions are how you form high-quality habits”

A Picture Of My 2021 Diary & My Favorite Book

As a big fan of personal growth and all that comes with personal growth — that is designing systems, forming habits, setting goals, achieving goals, measuring progress, etc, this year, I decided to come up with a simple habit to help me read.

Last year, I did my best in reading but I wasn’t able to achieve the total number of books I had in mind for the year.

This year, I decided not to have a clearly defined target for the number of books to read but to simply build a system around reading! Yes, so as part of my major activities for the day, I included a daily 45minutes to 60minutes fast reading! Yes! Fast Reading — I came across a video by Jim Kwik on the importance of reading very fast and how it comes with so many benefits to the brain.

At first, I thought reading fast would slow me down on comprehension, but it is actually the complete opposite of that! You can try it :)

Back to my forty-five to sixty minutes fast reading! I am happy to say that, I am almost done with one book in less than 3 weeks! This is even with missing out on reading on certain days!

Yes! Assuming I continue with this every single day of the year! I can bet that, before the year ends, I would have read not less than 20 books!

My favorite strategic coach, Dan Sullivan, is always about the gap & gain approach to happiness! Either you see the cup as half-full or half-empty! Either way, you’re right!

I want to end with a quote by James Clear in his book, Atomic Habits

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.” — James Clear

Are you struggling with doing something? Why not take it the atomic way! You’ll be amazed by the votes you give to your new identity!

All the best in building habits as we have begun a new year!

Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to share!



Richmond Chris-Koka

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