Thank You 2020!

Richmond Chris-Koka
2 min readDec 31, 2020

Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” — Anonymous. Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness.

Unsplash @macroman

Dear 2020,

I don’t think we can ever mention you without mentioning COVID-19, Lockdown, Social Distancing, No Mask — No Entry, Zoom, Microsoft Teams!

Indeed, you have been a year! But above all, thank you for being 2020!

Thank you for making us appreciate life once again!

Thank you for making us appreciate hugs and handshakes!

Thank you for making us realize we are powerless in this world!

Thank you for making us realize we can do so much without having to be physically present!

Thank you for making us appreciate the family time and talks which we missed so much as a result of our busy lives!

Thank you for making us see that we can make work really flexible!

Thank you for teaching us hygiene once again!

Thank you for giving us a break from the daily hustle and bustle of life!

Thank you for allowing the universe to heal during the lockdown period where no one had to go out!

Thank you for bringing Christianity closer to us!

Thank you for disrupting routines and strict rules on so many things!

Thank you 2020! Thank you for all the lessons you have taught us!

Thank you 2020!

No matter how rough 2020 might have been, there’s still so much to be thankful for! The gift of life above all!

To all who we lost in 2020, — “Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them.”

To those who lost hope in 2020, — “No feeling is final. All is well! Once there is life, there is hope! We shall rise again.”

Goodbye, 2020!

Welcome — 2021!

Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to hit the clap button as many times as possible!



Richmond Chris-Koka

Writing ✍️ Tech 🧑🏽‍💻 Hiking 🥾 Podcasting 🎙️ Swimming 🏊‍♀️ My Favorite Quote: Victory Loves Preparation🥇🥰 💯