Victory LOVES Preparation
“Victory LOVES Preparation”
The number one quote of my mentor. I have come to love this quote so much as it says a lot! Even writing this article now, I just saw another article right here on Medium by Gary Ryan Blair with the same title, but I would still go-ahead to write my article around this quote!
Whenever I see this quote, all that comes to mind is, “am I really prepared for the goals I intend to achieve in life?”
This sends me to another beautiful quote which is famous in the play of Julius Ceasar by Brutus and says:
“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.” — Brutus.
Every time I plan I take the time to find out how prepared I am should that opportunity present itself to me. I quite remember when I prayed for a job at Google. I did all I could by applying and got my resume selected and went through the non-technical interview and finally got to the technical interview.
Unfortunately, I was unable to make it past the technical interview. I looked back I realized that the interview questions were not difficult, it was simply I who was not well prepared.
I lost an opportunity because I was not prepared. This principle applies to every area of our lives, even in my Christian life, I have realized that God is definitely going to answer our prayers, but when He does, the number one question we need to ask ourselves is, “would we be prepared?” He promises to send “rain”, but if the rain comes and you have not planted…… well, you know it! You would get nothing!
I prayed to God to get to Google. I got my resume selected and got to the technical stage. God did His part, I failed to do my part simply because I was praying and not preparing alongside.
Les Brown puts it so well by saying:
“Better to prepare for an opportunity and not have one than have an opportunity and not be prepared”
I believe having this in mind is the first step to achieving all you intend to achieve in life!
Remember, Amat Victoria Curam…Victory LOVES Preparation!
Thanks for reading!